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How do I get my invoice?

Personizer: absence management and time tracking for your company

Attention: The access to the invoices is only possible for the admin!

For each payment we generate an invoice, which we send by email to your specified billing address.

In addition, you have the possibility to download all invoices in the admin area of Personizer at any time.

If you wish, you can easily print them out.

Want to download your invoice? Here are the steps you should follow:

At the bottom left corner is your Admin Panel. Click on Subscription if you want to download your invoice.

After the page loads, you will see an overview of your subscription. In the top navigation bar you will find the Invoices option. Click on it to see an overview of all your invoices.

The overview will open, where you will find the Invoice number and Amounts, as well as the Invoice column with the corresponding download icons. Click on the icon to download a specific invoice.

After clicking, a PDF file with your invoice will open. Now you have the possibility to save it as you wish or print it out.

Updated on: 28/09/2023

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