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How do i invite my employees?

Personizer: absence planning and time tracking for your company

Note: Only admins with the appropriate permissions can invite new employees. Learn how to assign permissions here.

To add a new user, first click Settings in the left navigation bar in the admin panel.

Then click on Users in the upper navigation bar.

An overview will open, where you will find a list of your stored users. On the top right you will find two buttons: Quick Invite and Create New User. Click on one of these buttons to invite an employee.

Quick invite: This function allows you to quickly add an employee. The employee will be added to the list and will receive an email notification. To get access to Personizer, the employee must confirm this notification. As long as the confirmation is not done, a letter icon will be displayed in the list. This icon also gives you the option to resend the confirmation email if necessary.

Create New User: With this function you can directly set detailed settings for the employee. The employee will be added to the list and will receive a notification email. To get access to Personizer, the employee must log in via this notification.

Scenario: Quick Invitation

After clicking on Quick Invite a new window will open. Here you can enter the data for your new user. Once you have entered the information, confirm your entries by clicking on Invite.

Scenario: Create employee

After clicking on Create New User a new window will open. Here you can enter the data for your new user. Once you have entered the information, confirm your entries by clicking on Save.

Note: Entering the e-mail address is particularly important, as this is the only way employees can accept invitations.

Updated on: 28/09/2023

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