Articles on: Get started
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Guide for Admins

We'll show you how to get Personizer ready for your business in just a few steps.

We will go through the following steps:

General Settings
Setting up your profile
Install integrations and apps

Create coworkers
Remove the demo data
Quick invitation of employees
Import employees with CSV file

Admin functions
Create user roles with individual rights
Creating own absence types
Enter absences for the whole company
Creating timelog tags
Create Work Schedules
Create Vacation Policies
Activate Overtime Feature

General Settings

Setting up your profile

To set up your profile, click on the profile picture icon at the top right.

A new button will open. Click on Go To Profile.

You will then be taken to your personal profile page. Here you can customize your profile picture in the upper area by clicking on the pen and switch to different sections (Overview, Contact, Profile Settings, Integrations, Contract, User Settings) in the lower area.


Here you will find a brief overview of your Personal Data and Business Data for your account.

Under the personal data you can see, for example, which emergency contact has been created and brief information about yourself.
Under the business data, you will see company-related information about yourself and your employment contract, such as your personnel number and your work schedule.


Here you will find your contact details. Here you can see:

Your business data, such as your personnel number, acronym or your phone number (business),
your personal data, such as your date of birth, marital status or your phone number (private),
your address (private),
your address (business),
and your emergency contact.

Note: You can edit your emergency contact as a user, the other data is edited in the personnel file by your admin.

Profile settings

Here you can edit your profile settings, such as your Personal Settings, your Notifications and Change Password.

In your personal settings, you can set your language settings, dark mode and display options.
Under Notifications, you can specify the channel via which you are notified outside of Personizer. You have the options of email and Slack.
Under Change password you can change your existing password. To generate a strong password, we recommend using upper and lower case letters, special characters and numbers.


Here you can find our available integrations. We currently offer iCalendar Feeds and a Personizer Service for Slack.

Personizer offers the possibility to integrate and display events in the calendar app of iOS devices. This is made possible via a so-called iCalendar feed. If you want to learn more about this, click here.
We also offer the possibility to add a Personizer bot in Slack. If you want to learn more about it, click here.


Here you will find your registered contract settings in Personizer, including your Contract Data, your Vacation Policy and your Work Schedule.

In your contract data, you will find general information about your employment contract. For example, you can see your job title, your contract term and the end of your probationary period.
Under Vacation Policy, you will find your registered contract information on the subject of vacation regulations. This includes your annual leave entitlement and the expiry of your remaining leave.
Under Work Schedule, you will find the contract information you have entered on the subject of working time regulations. The working time model defines the daily working hours and break times.

User settings

Here you will find your registered user settings in Personizer, including your Assignments and Approval.

Under Assignments, you can see which company and team you are assigned to.
Under Approvals you can see which approvers have been assigned to you or whether you can confirm your approvals yourself.


In our helpdesk we present the features of Personizer and answer the most frequently asked questions about our software.

To open our helpdesk, click on the profile picture icon in the upper right corner.

Then click on Helpdesk.


If you can't find the answer to your question in our helpdesk, you can contact our support.

Click on Support in the top right-hand corner.

A window will open. Here you can chat with our support team.


You can also connect Personizer to other software via apps.

Click on the profile picture icon at the top right

A new button opens. Click on Apps.

A new page will open with a list of available apps. You have the following apps to choose from:

Personizer app: With the Personizer app you manage your working hours and absences easily from your smartphone.

Slack integration: Receive notifications about absence requests and approvals directly in Slack. If you want to learn more about the Slack integration, click here.

Google Chrome extension: Record your working hours and breaks directly via your Google Chrome web browser.

Microsoft Edge extension: Record your working hours and breaks directly via your Microsoft Edge web browser.

Removing the demo data of the test account

You probably already noticed that your account is filled with demo data. If you want to configure Personizer for your company, you should first remove the demo data.

Click on Dashboard in the left navigation bar and stay in the horizontal navigation bar in the Admin Dashboard.

Then click in the upper banner on Remove Demo Data.

Create coworkers

Quickly invite collaborators

To discover the practical functions of Personizer together with your team members, first invite your employees to Personizer.

Click on Settings in the left-hand navigation bar.

In the next step, you can click on Users in the top menu.

Click on Add Employee if you want to invite employees.

A new window will open. Enter all relevant information about your team member and click on Add Employee.

An invitation e-mail is automatically sent to the person in question. You will now find the invited person in the list with an invitation sent icon. As soon as the invitation has been accepted, your team member can use Personizer.

Import employees with CSV file

Alternatively, you can add your employees by uploading a CSV file.

Click on Settings in the left navigation bar in the Admin Panel.

In the next step, select Import in the horizontal navigation bar.

A new window will open. Here you will find a dialog box in which you can add your CSV file using drag-and-drop.

Admin functions

Create user roles with individual rights

In Personizer you have the possibility to create individual roles. This way you can personally decide who gets what rights when using Personizer. If you want to create your own new role, click on Settings (1). Under Roles (2) you now have the possibility to create a New Role (3).

In the new window you can assign a name and individual rights to your new role. Set the corresponding checkmarks. Confirm your new role with a click on Save.

Create your own absence types

To add your own absences, for example vocational school, click on Settings (1). In the next step you can add a New Absence type (3) under Absence types (2).

In the new window you can make all settings for your new absence type. Save your settings with a click on Save.

Enter absences for the whole company

In Personizer you can enter absences for the whole company - especially useful for team events and company-wide vacation blocks. To do this, go to Administration (1) and click on Create Bulk Absence (2).

Now you can enter all information. Save your entries with a click on Save.

The best part? Your employees automatically receive a system e-mail and are immediately informed about the entry.

Create timelog tags

If you want to create a timelog tag, follow these steps:

Click on the Settings tab in the left navigation bar.
Then click on the tab Timelog tags.
Then click on the button at the top right New Timelog tag.

A window opens in which the timelog tag can be created:

Name your tag in the Name of tag input field.
Then add the responsible teams under Assigned teams .
Save your changes by clicking on Save.

Click on the pencil icon in your timelog tag if you want to edit your tag:

Use the Status button to archive your timelog tag or to reactivate it.
Save your changes by clicking Save.
Click on Delete tag to delete your tag.

Create Work Schedules

Click in the left navigation bar on Settings and stay in the horizontal navigation bar at Account.

Here you will find the Work Schedules function. Click on Create New Work Schedule to create a new work schedule. Under Edit, you can change an existing work schedule.

Important: Work schedules that are assigned to one or more users cannot be deleted!

A new window will open. Here you can define your new work schedule or edit an existing one:

Here you can name your work schedule.

Here you can set the conditions: working days, working & break times.

Here you can also prevent the editing of time entries.

Click on Save to create the new work schedule.

If you want to know how to assign the work schedules to your employees, click Here!

Create Vacation Policies

Click on Settings in the left navigation bar and stay at Account in the horizontal navigation bar.

Here you will find the function Vacation Policies. Click on Create New Vacation Policy to create a new vacation policy. Under Edit you can change existing vacation policies.

Vacation policies that have been assigned to one or more users cannot be deleted!

A new window will open. Here you can create your new vacation policy.

Here you can name your vacation policy.

Here you can define the conditions of your vacation policy.

Click Save if you want to create your vacation policy.

If you want to know how to assign vacation policies to your employees, click Here

Activate Overtime Feature

Enable overtime feature for your account if you want your employees to be able to track overtime and minus hours with Personizer.

Click Settings in the left navigation bar.

Here you will find the Overtime Feature section. You have two options to start the overtime feature.

Option 1: Activate Now

If you activate the Overtime feature now, your employees will be able to benefit from the new features immediately. They will be able to view their time bank on their dashboard and submit time sheets for approval. Note that overtime and minus hours from the time before the function was activated must be added to the time account manually. You can find out how to do that here.

Option 2: Set a starting date

If you want to activate the overtime feature at a later date - for example at the beginning of the next month - you can set a start time. Your employees will then only be able to benefit from the new features from that point on. They will be able to view their time account on the dashboard and submit time sheets for approval. Note that overtime and minus hours from the time before the function was activated must be added to the time account manually. You can find out how to do that here.

Before you activate the overtime feature, you should delete your demo data.

For more information on our overtime feature, please check out our Guide.

Updated on: 17/06/2024

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