Articles on: Time Tracking
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How do I approve my employees' time sheets?

Personizer: absence management and time tracking for your company

In the following article we will show you how to approve time sheets in Personizer:

Note: Only users with the appropriate authorizations can approve time sheets. Find out here how you can assign authorizations.

The time sheet records all work and break times for a week. At the end of the week, the user can submit the time sheet and have it approved by an approver. The recorded working hours and breaks are entered in the time bank, which calculates overtime and minus hours. If you want to learn more about the time bank, you can read about it here.

Click on Approvals in the left navigation bar in the time tracking area.

Note: This function is only displayed if your account has the required authorizations.

Click on the arrows for a user if you want to see the details of the time sheet. The filter function can help you find specific users.

Check the time entries for correctness.

Select the requests you want to approve. You can also select all requests for an entire week.

Click on Approve Selected to approve the selected requests. Alternatively, you can approve all open requests by clicking Approve All.

Click here if you want to learn how to reject time sheets.

Updated on: 25/03/2024

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