Articles on: Absence Management
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How do I choose a replacement?

Personizer: absence management and time tracking for your company

With Personizer's Absence Management, you can easily submit an absence or vacation request. We explain how this works in the following article:

To request an absence, click on Overview in the left navigation bar under the Absence section.

The overview opens. Here you will find My Overview and My Coworkers. You can request a new absence in both views.

In the My Overview view, you will find your current absence calendar. Here you can click on a day in the calendar to open a new button. Click on Absence here. Alternatively, you can also find the Add Absence button in the top right-hand corner of both views. You can also use this button to request an absence.

A new window opens in which you can request your absence. You can choose between different types of absences (home office, vacation, etc.). You must also select the date on which you would like to request an absence. Additionally, you have the option of leaving a note, selecting a replacement, or simply making it tentative (not sent for approval). If you have a regular schedule, such as working from home every Friday, you can set this with a recurring absence.

Note: In your absence, your replacement will also be authorized to approve absence requests.

Save your request by clicking on Send Request.

The Approval process is now triggered. If your request has passed the approval process completely and successfully, you will receive an email notification and your leave will be marked as approved in the calendar. If your leave request is rejected, the entry in the absence calendar will be deleted. You will also receive an e-mail notification in this case.

Updated on: 07/05/2024

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